Day 1

Romans 9:1-5

Why does Paul affirm three times that this is really true in verse 1?
Is there anyone in your life that you feel the depth of grief for that Paul is describing here?

    Day 2

     Romans 9:6-18

    What does it mean that “they are not all Israel who are descended from Israel?” Who then is the real Israel?
    How does the knowledge that salvation is based on Him who calls, and not our works affect our attitudes and lifestyle now?

            Day 3

            Romans  9:19-26

            How would you summarize the meaning of the analogy of the potter/clay?
            How does it make you feel to think of yourself as the lump of clay? How does it make you feel to know that your potter is a good, just, and loving Father who has adopted you as His son or daughter?

            Day 4

            Judges 9:27-33

            Why didn’t Israel attain righteousness even though they pursued it?
            What role is faith currently playing in your pursuit of righteousness today?

                        Day 5

                        Romans 10:1-13

                        • What two things are necessary according to this passage to be saved? Does a confession guarantee true belief? What does the phrase “as Lord” mean?
                        • “Calling on the name of the Lord”(V. 13) indicates having personal interaction and a relationship with the Lord. Do you feel like you have this type of relationship?