Scotty james

Lead Pastor

LEAD PASTOR: Scotty James

Scotty and his wife Stephanie have been married for 16 years. They met at San Diego State University, where they both played athletics (Football & Track & Field), and tied the knot soon after. They have 6 beautiful children.

Scotty has been in full-time vocational ministry for 16 years. He has served in multiple churches across San Diego County. He has a passion to see people come into saving faith in Christ, and grow in their love and likeness to God.

He graduated from Indiana Wesleyan Seminary in 2020, and is excited to be used by God to plant Village Church.

STAFF & leadership

Matt Heinricy

Associate Pastor



Brian Wilbur


Aileen M. & Tammy W.

Prayer Team Leaders

Michael & Emma Freed

Music Studio

Alec Ostapovicz


Michael Freed

Village Studio, Sound & Tech Leader

Janet Morris

Children's Coordinator