Day 1
I Corinthians 6:1-11
• How does Paul’s guidance about resolving disputes among believers challenge our usual approach to conflict? In what ways can the church today apply Paul’s advice about handling disputes internally?
• How can we reconcile the truth that we have been washed, sanctified, and justified with the reality of ongoing sin in our lives?
Day 2
I Corinthians 6:12-20
• How does this chapter challenge you to view your physical body in terms of spiritual significance?
• How should the fact that our bodies are a temple of the Holy Spirit influence our decisions about physical health and care for our bodies?
Day 3
I Corinthians 7:1-17
• How do Paul’s teachings on marriage and singleness in this passage conflict with today’s societal norms?
• In what ways can you steward your current marital or single status for the glory of God?
Day 4
I Corinthians 7:17-24
• What does Paul’s command to “remain in the condition in which you were called” mean to you?
• In light of Paul’s admonition in verse 19, are you more concerned with conforming to common trends or keeping the commands of God?
Day 5
I Corinthians 7:25-40
- How would you summarize Paul’s message in this portion of the chapter into one main point? How does that main point affect you?
- What can you do this week to, “Secure undistracted devotion to the Lord” (v. 35) in a greater way? How can you lean on your church family in your effort to do this?